Red Markets: 2018 Best Game Ennie Nominee

Red Markets got nominated for an Ennie! In the category of BEST GAME, no less.

Never in a million years would I have thought my first RPG would get nominated for an Ennie, not to mention in a year with so many great games as competition. For the whole RM team, this is an honor beyond our wildest expectations. But it’s an honor for the backers as well. Without your generous support, Red Markets wouldn’t even exist: our big beautiful book owes a lot to this community. Thank you so much.

While I can’t ask more than that, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that voting for the Ennies is open. If you are kind enough to want to throw even more support our way, the opportunity is but a few clicks away.

Remember (I can’t believe I’m typing this), the category is BEST GAME.

Party Fowl

If you’re a fan of Hebanon Games, you know that I’ve been working on some lighter fare as a palette cleanser. It’s a board game that has really pushed my design chops, and it’s helped me stay fresh on RPG work. Well, Party Fowl: The Game of Drunk Ducks has arrived on Kickstarter. If you like Hebanon Games and would like to see our offerings expand, this a great way to do it and score a sweet board game in the process.

Click here to check it out!